How To: Set Up a Referral Link

Referral links allow any Resin user to donate their recycling rewards to your organization automatically. Promote and share your link with your donors to start earning today!

Create Your Referral Link

1. Go to the Fundraise tab and click “Create” on the “Create Referral Link” card.

2. Fill in details for your organization.
Note: the link must begin with http:// or https://

3. Click “Create” when done.

4. Success! You can share or edit your referral link from the Fundraise tab at any time.

Share Your Referral Link

1. Click “Share” on the “Your Referral Link” card.

2. Click “Copy Link” to save a link that you can paste into emails or posts.

3. “Print” will take you to your browser’s printing dialogue where you can print fliers.

Note: For best results allow background graphics and remove margins.

Connect Using a Referral Link to Donate Earnings

This is what donors will see when they sign up to donate earnings to your organization.

1. Click on a Referral Link to confirm you want to link your account. If you are not logged in you will be prompted to do so.

2. Success! Your linked status shows up under your QR code so you can be sure your rewards will be automatically donated to the organization of your choice.


Who can set up Referral Links?

Only approved fundraising partners can create Referral Links that allow users to donate earnings directly to their organization. If your group would like to use this feature please reach out at

Resin users have the option to either keep their earnings for personal use or donate them directly by using a Referral Link.

When will I get paid?

The funds raised through your Referral Link will be deposited into your Resin account quarterly.

Can I see who has donated to my organization?

If requested, you will be provided with a quarterly donor email list (csv file).